12 May 2010

Marina Barrage (Kindergarten)

The Kindergarten classes were looking forward to their centre's outing on 7 May 2010. They gathered at the centre and were eager to take the bus to Marina Barrage, Singapore's 15th reservoir. You can click on video to catch a glimpse of Marina Barrage.

Some of the parents and aunts accompanied the children for this trip. Thank you for taking time to be with the children.

The Kindergarten classes arrived just in time for the guided tour.

The tour guide greeted the little visitors and proceeded to lead them to level 2.

The guide drew the attention of the children to the Marina Reservoir, Marina Bridge and Crest Gate. The children seemed to be more interested in the beautiful scenery than listening to the guide. They were especially amazed to see an aeroplane flew past.

The tour guide led the children to Sustainable Singapore Gallery. Children were reminded to conserve energy, and to reduce, reuse and recycle.

After that, the children visited Green Roof at level 3. The sun was scorching hot and the children did not spent much time there.

The Kindergarten classes moved on to the Water Playground.

Some played with water .....

Some played with paper airplanes...

It's a day of fun and learning for the children. Though the children were tired after the trip, they enjoyed themselves.
For parents who have not been to Marina Barrage, you can consider bringing your child to Marina Barrage during your free time. :)

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