25 October 2010

Happy Birthday to Audrey!

Audrey celebrated her birthday in the centre on 16 October 2010. Her daddy brought the cake to the class and the children in Nursery One put on party hats as they joined in the celebration.

Happy Birthday, Audrey! The Lord bless you!


14 October 2010

Joshua's Birthday Celebration

Joshua celebrated his birthday on 11 October 2010. He came to Kindergarten One (Love) class with his daddy and mummy to celebrate his birthday with his classmates. Children in the class were all excited to join in the celebration. Following is the video created:

Happy Birthday, Joshua! May all your dreams come true!

05 October 2010

Peggy 's Birthday Celebration

"Happy Birthday to me!" exclaims Peggy of Kindergarten 2 class.

Today is Peggy's birthday. Peggy gets very excited when her daddy steps in the centre carrying the birthday cake. She runs towards her daddy and gives him a big hug...

The following photographs and videos are taken during the birthday celebration. 

" I am very happy today. I love my Sherman too." says Peggy.
(Her brother, Sherman, is not here today as he is not well)

Happy Birthday, Peggy! May all your wishes come true!

04 October 2010

Desirae's Birthday Celebration

Today is Desirae's birthday. Her grandma, daddy, mummy, auntie and baby brother come to the centre and join the Nursery One class for her birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday to Desirae and may the good Lord bless you!