23 July 2010

Qing Shan's birthday celebration

Kindergarten One (Joy) class celebrated Qing Shan's birthday on 20 July 2010. Below are some of the pictures taken on that day.

Qing Shan, with his birthday cake.

Qing Shan, making a wish

Qing Shan, blowing the candles
Qing Shan, cutting the cake

A close view of the partially-cut cake. 

Qing Shan, with the girls

Qing Shan, with the boys

Natasha feeding the birthday boy

The children, showing off their goodie bags.

Happy birthday to you, Qing Shan!


14 July 2010

Clara's birthday celebration

On 21 June 2010, Clara celebrated her birthday with her class (Nursery 2) in the centre. Her family came and joined her in the celebration. Here are some of the photographs and videos that were taken that afternoon.

(P/s: Thank Clara's parents for taking and sharing the photographs and videos)

Clara, wearing her tiara

Clara and Theresavathy

Clara and her family

Birthday song was sung to Clara

Happy Birthday, Clara!