29 June 2010

Science Centre (2008)

Happen to browse through the photographs taken in the past and found these. The present Kindergarten 2 children were in Nursery 2 class then...
Somewhere in Omni-Theatre
Doing craft work ...
Moving on to McDonalds for lunch
How time flies, 2 years have passed since the centre last visited Science Centre.

28 June 2010

Yong Ren's birthday celebration

On 23 June 2010, Yong Ren celebrated his birthday with the Kindergarten One (Love) class. The children in the class were excited as they put on party hats for the celebration. Here are the video and photographs contributed by Yong Ren's parents.

The class singing birthday song to Yong Ren ...

Children eating birthday cake ...

Children playing toys from the goodie bags ...

A close up shot of our cheerful birthday boy ...

Happy Birthday, Yong Ren. :)

19 June 2010

Theresavathy's birthday celebration

On 16 June 2010, it was Theresavathy's birthday. Her mother and grandmother came and celebrate her birthday together with the Nursery 2 (Faith) class.
Here's the birthday girl dressed like a little fairy, with her Grandmother
The birthday girl, waiting for the candles to be lighted on her Princess Birthday Cake
Mummy helped to light up the candles.
The birthday song was sung (sorry, only managed to take video for the chinese version of the song) After the birthday song was sung...
The class gathered for group photographs
The cake was cut ...
Happy birthday, Theresavathy :)

10 June 2010

Thursday morning (Part 2)

Photographs taken between 10.30am and 12.00nn
Kindergarten One (Joy)

Kindergarten One (Love)

Kindergarten Two

Have a great day :)

Thursday morning (Part1)

Today at 8.45am ...

Children watching television

Some children waiting to go for swimming class.

Mommy and baby sending Cheryl to centre

The following photographs are taken between 10.30am and 12.00nn

Nursery One

Nursery Two (Faith)

Nursery Two (Peace)

Lunch time

To be continued ... Part2